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NextwaveSoft WPF Suite Chart and Gauge

Nextwave Software WPF WPF Graphics Suite with Gauge and


"Nextwave Software WPF WPF Graphics Suite with Gauge and"
runterload.de Editor: Nextwave Software WPF Gauge Suite and Windows Presentation Foundation WPF graphics and applications that help to visualize the data is a component package. Package area, bar one, such as 40 2D/3D charts, contains a column, line, pie, muffins, pyramids, scatter, bubble, stock bar, candlesticks and radar charts, and a circular cone gauge, Linear gauge, digital labels, Analog rolling labels, switch and LED. Graphics features include axis scaling, the second axis, major and minor gridlines and ticks, labels, lines, margin, legend, description, themes, data and control, title, animation, tooltips marker pattern. Nextwave WPF Chart XML, Object, Collection, Data Source, and Real-time Formula XY connecting connector supports. Graphics and layout is flexible and style can change the size as desired. Suitable for graphical view there are five compelling themes defined. Complete with user documentation suite was completed with a large sample code scanner revenue. Source code to comply with. NET Framework and C #, VB.NET, Managed C + + as well as use other languages. NET Framework can be used. Nextwave Software WPF graphics and display both suites, any business, production, simulation and applications can visualize data in a Dashboard. Graphics Suite 2.0 and WPF Gauge your NextwaveSoft can free download now.

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